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Category: Tweet
Garrett Kell on what people need
“Pastors, in your sermons, don’t give the people a political hot-take, a stand-up comedy routine, a story time fairy tale, a theological lecture, a moralistic message, a shame-filled scolding, or a feel-good motivational speech. They need more. They need Jesus. Give them Jesus.” Pastor @j.garrett.kell on twitter I feel like churches and pastors have an impossible task…
Brady Boyd on Success
“Jesus did not speak English, was never married and had no children, did not own a home, and died an early death, abandoned by his closest friends. In other words, very little about his life measures up to our ideas of success. Maybe, we are the ones who need to redefine success.” @pastorbradyboyd on twitter There’s…
Russell Moore on those in Ecclesial Power
“To those of you who have been bullied and intimidated, had your names and your reputations destroyed by those in ecclesial power because you spoke up about abuse, or stood with those who did: Jesus is far better than this. And he’s watching. Goodbye to all of that.” @russellmoore on Twitter I know these tweets (and…
Rebecca McLaughlin on the Truth
“If any church, denomination, or organization cannot survive the disclosure of the truth, it should disband. If any Christian leader’s reputation cannot survive the disclosure of the truth, they should step down. Jesus Christ will build his church. He doesn’t depend on coverups.” @rebecc_mclaugh on Twitter I don’t know if there’s much to add to this.…
Donny Friederichsen on Scripture
“Albert Schweitzer, at the end of his critique of the ‘Quest for the Historical Jesus’ in the late 19th-early 20th c., came to the conclusion that the historical Jesus always bore an uncanny resemblance to the researcher. Point being, once you rip Jesus from the written word of Scripture, you get a Jesus that always…
Derrick DeLain on going to the Source
“Oftentimes we have our own beliefs about who Jesus is. My hope is that we would put aside what we believe and actually go to the source; see what Jesus says about Himself, and let that determine what we believe.” @d_delain from the sermon “I Am” from @proclamation_tn I try to listen to A LOT of different…
Dan White Jr. and those Ragamuffin Christians
Consumerism turned the Church into a service provider: “I want good preaching.”“I want amazing worship.”“I want great kid’s programs.” Would we go to Church if it was just a bunch of ragamuffin Jesus-followers gathering around a table, trying to love God and love neighbors? Pastor Dan White Jr. on twitter I just want to say,…
Pete Scazzero on Assumptions
“Every time I make an assumption about someone without confirming it, I am at risk for believing a lie about this person.” @petescazzero This is from a screenshot I’ve had in the *folder of ideas* for a long time. It’s interesting because this quote can kinda go in both directions; I read it meaning not…
Jon Acuff on Regrets
“Regret that you didn’t start your thing earlier is a great distraction from starting it now. Those years are gone. Leave them where they fell and grab today with all your might. Mourning what could have been always steals the joy from what is.” @jonacuff on Twitter Hey – it’s been a month or so since…
Dan Dewitt on Fundamentalism and Liberalism
“Both liberalism and fundamentalism are never satisfied. They will always demand more. It will never be enough. If you live for them, prepare to be unhappy.” Dan Dewitt from twitter I think I’ve talked about this here before but my wife and I used to be “raw food vegans.” It wasn’t a diet – it…