Garrett Kell on what people need

“Pastors, in your sermons, don’t give the people a political hot-take, a stand-up comedy routine, a story time fairy tale, a theological lecture, a moralistic message, a shame-filled scolding, or a feel-good motivational speech. They need more. They need Jesus. Give them Jesus.”

Pastor @j.garrett.kell on twitter

I feel like churches and pastors have an impossible task sometimes – all the sermons, and the programs, and obligations; I don’t know how they balance it all. I’m not a pastor or in professional ministry so I’d flip this advice around for us church-goers; don’t go for the comfy seats, the amazing sound system, the coffee, the parking spot, the atmosphere, the giant screens, catching up with friends…just go for Jesus. We just need Jesus.

Note: I totally failed in capturing his fade. 🤦‍♂️