Dan White Jr. and those Ragamuffin Christians

Consumerism turned the Church into a service provider:

“I want good preaching.”
“I want amazing worship.”
“I want great kid’s programs.”

Would we go to Church if it was just a bunch of ragamuffin Jesus-followers gathering around a table, trying to love God and love neighbors?

Pastor Dan White Jr. on twitter

I just want to say, in posting this I don’t have anything to say about the church itself – this was convicting to me because if I’m being 100% honest I don’t know if I’d be open to this idea of church that Pastor Dan talks about here. I like the production and the kids program and the comfy chairs. If someone invited my family to their actual house on Sunday morning instead of a building I’d have a hard time accepting it. I don’t know if it’s because I’m cynical or if I enjoy the trappings of the larger western church but there’s definitely some things to consider here because it’s possible to miss out on something amazing because of the “I want’s” and totally disregard the “I need’s.”

I do know that I want to be a person that’s thankful for these things. I’ve been guilty of saying things like “the message was good but the worship wasn’t great” or “the worship was great but the message was kinda eh.” I’ve heard stuff like said a lot as well. I don’t want to be that kind of person. I just want to be thankful for the amazing experiences I do get to have. I want to be open to the ragamuffin invitation that might be waiting around the corner. 🙌