Author: Paul Mignard

  • Loki and Pastor Rich

    Loki and Pastor Rich

    3 preaching points from Loki (Episode 2) 1. Apocalypses are points of revelation. 2020 is a reminder of this 2. Order ≠ Peace (Order—especially of an institutional kind—is often a tool of oppression & depersonalization). 3. Much of life is oriented around the tyranny of timelines. @richvillodas I was going to wait until next week…

  • America and Racism

    America and Racism

    “The idea that America has been systematically racist is an idea entirely compatible with scripture’s depiction of sin. But it’s entirely incompatible with the story America tells itself. And a lot of Christians have believed America.” @kaitlynschiess on Twitter I want to get in the habit here of posting things here that are not necessarily controversial but…

  • The Task

    The Task

    “If all you do is bring people to your church for a show you’re going to be ineffective. You have to take the missionary task unto yourself.” @mark_clark I really enjoy the @careynieuwhof podcast not just for the people he has on but I feel like it’s a frank discussion about our responsibilities as Christians. While we…

  • Is it the Gospel?

    Is it the Gospel?

    “You have to be in the Word and not let Sunday morning be the only time you hear the Bible read.” Micheal from the @honestyouthpastor I have to admit, when I first saw that Michael creating “sermon review” videos I was super skeptical. What I thought I was going to get was a guy mocking pastors…

  • Little Patterns!

    Little Patterns!

    “If we’re all using the same language and expectations for clients, then our industry is valued higher and seen as the specialty work it really is!” Maggie Enterrios of @littlepatterns on the @perspectivepodcast This one is more for my creative friends trying to figure out how to navigate the world of professional art! Just to put it out…

  • Be Doers of the Word

    Be Doers of the Word

    “I’d rather see the way you live first and find out you’re a Christian than hear about your Christianity and find out you’re a fraud.” @jane.elisabeth.lewis I follow Jane on twitter for her thoughts on modern Christianity and culture and this tweet in particular jumped out at me. There are some strong James 1:22-25 vibes here:…

  • Just Obey

    Just Obey

    Religion says “Obey and you’ll be accepted” but Jesus says “You are already accepted, just obey.” @charlesbillingsley at @thomasroad I knew when Pastor Charles started in with the Hachi story was the moment I was going to start crying in church. 😢 Man – was is it with dog stories? I’m in easier cryer already but when you…

  • Ephesians 6:10-17

    Ephesians 6:10-17

    This is the first in a series of posters I’m making reimagining some Biblical concepts. I’ve seen a ton of Armor of God posters but I wanted to make something more in my style so here it is! It’s not based on any kind of historical record but there’s definitely Roman influence in it along…

  • Everyday


    “It get’s easier. Every day, it get’s a little easier. But you gotta do it every day – that’s the hard part.” Running baboon Ok, stay with me here…. This is a quote from a running baboon from the show Bojack Horseman on Netflix. Admittedly, I’ve never seen it. Someone quoted this in reference to…

  • Criticism from Hope

    Criticism from Hope

    “There is criticism that comes from cynicism, and criticism that comes from hope!” @sharonhmiller I saw this one going around a lot last week and after reflecting on it for a minute it’s so true. I’ve been at that place many times where my criticism was a.) correct and b.) totally not helpful. This should be…