Ruslan on Schooling

“As Christians, we cannot have a victim mentality. We cannot go out and look for things to be persecuted by. That is not helpful nor is it healthy.”

@ruslankd from a reaction video in response to an interview by Allie Stuckey with Kirk Cameron on the topic of homeschooling.

Phew – ok that byline was a MOUTHFUL! 😅 Sorry there’s a lot of parts there.

It’s funny, in watching the video I didn’t have a strong reaction to the topic of homeschooling (I’ll share my thoughts on that below) but rather how we engage with topics as Christians. I’m not of the mind that Christians shouldn’t talk about politics but I do feel like we need to go about it in a better way.

There are Christians facing persecution today, right now, in real time. I just don’t think it’s all of us, all the time, about everything. Schooling is one of those topics. Are there bad actors in the school system? Yes FOR SURE. But I don’t think we can attribute the extreme problems to those bad actors to the school system at large. Nor should we look down on the parents that had to deal with those bad actors and chose a different schooling path. I love Dr. Crenshaw’s quote, “we need to have better conversations” and describing the public school system as “grooming” our kids isn’t a better conversation. Let’s not be goofy and hyperbolic in our discussions. We can stand firm in our beliefs and add to the conversation without needing to demonize those that disagree with us.

I have a lot more to say but these captions can only be so long. 🤦🏻‍♂️

My thoughts on homeschooling? I’ve found from being exposed to ALL of the different types of schooling (public, private, military, home, unschooling, etc) it really seems like a family by family or even kid by kid decision. I don’t think it’s helpful to demonize the school system because a lot of people have a lot of different experiences there and I think the same goes for homeschooling. I’d support whatever works best for your family and your children. We’re all just trying to do our best out here and a little grace goes a long way.