Loki and Pastor Rich

3 preaching points from Loki (Episode 2)

1. Apocalypses are points of revelation. 2020 is a reminder of this

2. Order ≠ Peace (Order—especially of an institutional kind—is often a tool of oppression & depersonalization).

3. Much of life is oriented around the tyranny of timelines.


I was going to wait until next week to post this but I had a lot of fun making it so it’s going up right now! I don’t know if anybody is even here on Saturday. 😅

I love seeing allegory in modern pop culture and I really appreciate Pastor Rich’ insight so when the two collide I definitely listen. And it helps that I’m a Marvel fan and there are a slew of movies coming out for the rest of the year. I’m going to take the opportunity to draw more super heroes on this account for sure!

It’s interesting to me that just like in the show – there’s an amazing amount of things that affect our life that we have absolutely no control over. It seems like in modern times (and especially here in the U.S.) we have a surprising amount of autonomy that past civilizations could never realize. Still – these preaching points are relevant because the show is centered around Loki trying to gain control of a situation he has no ability to control. Just like a pandemic, a market crash, or even being in Pompeii at the wrong time – it’s so much important to trust in a God that built us to exist long after this world has crumbled to dust.

I can’t draw all the Loki preaching points but I wanted to get at least one of them out there! Hope your weekend is going well friends!