Alisa Childers Podcast #96

“As Bible students, we have to be careful that we don’t read into the text what we want it to say – we have to let the text speak for itself.” @allengparr

The thing I really like about podcasts is the feeling that I get to hang out with a couple of interesting people as they talk about something that I really don’t have any authority to speak about. The @alisachilderspodcast is no different and I’ve been listening to them at various time throughout the last month. While this conversation in particular was wide ranging (like babies in heaven, the prosperity gospel, and slavery) this quote from Allen Parr really stuck out to me. I used to be the kind of person that would use the Bible in a tactical way to prove a point I was making rather than just digging into what the actual words were saying. In fact, I didn’t really read the words at all. It’s frustratingly easy to be a Christian and never really have to pick up the source from which all of this flows.

There’s a ton of great episodes, I can’t draw them all, but I’ve learned so much in digging through them. Thanks Alisa! 🙌