Tag: Twitter

  • Be Doers of the Word

    Be Doers of the Word

    “I’d rather see the way you live first and find out you’re a Christian than hear about your Christianity and find out you’re a fraud.” @jane.elisabeth.lewis I follow Jane on twitter for her thoughts on modern Christianity and culture and this tweet in particular jumped out at me. There are some strong James 1:22-25 vibes here:…

  • Criticism from Hope

    Criticism from Hope

    “There is criticism that comes from cynicism, and criticism that comes from hope!” @sharonhmiller I saw this one going around a lot last week and after reflecting on it for a minute it’s so true. I’ve been at that place many times where my criticism was a.) correct and b.) totally not helpful. This should be…

  • Wes Molebash!

    Wes Molebash!

    “Here are three *seemingly* well-intentioned things I think have severely wounded American Christianity: Right Wing Politics, the satanic panic of the 80’s, Purity Culture of the 90’s.” @thewesmolebash – from twitter Gotta be honest, I was a little nervous to post this one. But here we go! I’ve followed Wes for a while – he was…

  • Your Commitment to Church

    Your Commitment to Church

    “If your commitment to church is contingent on all your preferences, it’s probably not God you go there to worship, but yourself.” @jaredcwilson I don’t know about you but I am all about having my beliefs challenged. I’m like a reverse debater; I don’t want to argue with you; but if you know something I don’t…

  • Haunted


    “The worst part isn’t the negative interactions with the police. It’s the recurring nightmares that are impossible to forget. A great memory is mostly a gift. Here, it’s a curse. It means you’re constantly haunted.” Pastor @jawn_o No commentary from me on this – please read the entire thread from Pastor John on twitter or here…

  • Disillusionment


    “We’ve ignored systemic poverty – we’re so addicted to individual freedom that we often turn a blind eye to the suffering and those without healthcare or financial security and have written it off as a lack of personal responsibility.” -Pastor @brandonacox This is from a thread Pastor Brandon posted on Twitter title “15 reasons I believe…

  • Satan’s Masterpiece

    Satan’s Masterpiece

    “Satan’s true masterpiece is the pharisee not the prostitute.” @pastorfrankgil Ok – this is an old quote from what I can tell but it was so poignant I drew it up on Friday afternoon (which insights tell me is the worst time to post) and put it here because I could wait another second. I saw…

  • Legalism and Judgement

    Legalism and Judgement

    “The most legalistic and judgmental people are the one’s with deep secret sins. Trust me.” @pastoremase This quote from Dr. Mason stands on its own. I find the times when I’m the most prideful or judgmental or legalistic tend to be the times when I have something I need to confess or need to right a…

  • The Notorious KSP

    The Notorious KSP

    “We Christians are going to have so many new kinds of opportunities to model Christ to the world in coming days. I don’t know what form this should take in each situation, but God has called us to this task in this time. Brothers and sisters, let’s do this.” @karenswallowprior aka the Notorious KSP Yes 100%…

  • Beth Moore on Twitter

    Beth Moore on Twitter

    @bethmoorelpm on Twitter is pretty awesome. Here’s the whole thread: As long as what’s Right or Left is more important to professing Christians than what is right or wrong in light of Jesus, we are doomed to present a caricature of him to the world. Christ is neither left nor right nor is He centrist. God…