False Teachers

“Be very careful when you take somebody who agrees with all of the major tenants of faith and label them a false teacher. You may be hindering someone from receiving a blessing in your effort to block them from receiving something false.

You can be free to listen to whoever you want. You can eat the meat and spit out the fat.” @allengparr

I post a lot of stuff here without a lot of context. Sometimes my brain fills in the gaps properly; most of the time unfortunately it doesn’t. What is fortunate is that almost all of the discourse that happens here has been really civil and beneficial.

I don’t have all the answers – and if I’m really transparent I don’t many answers at all. What I do enjoy is hearing what people have to say and digging into the reasons they say it regardless of who has labeled them.

This video from Allen Parr about false teachers really struck me because a.) I’ve drawn almost all of the people he talks about and b.) his final instruction I found to be humble and graceful. Personally, I’m not interested in calling anybody out – there’s plenty of pages out there doing that and I don’t think I really have anything to add to that conversation. I’m just out here trying to learn what I can from whoever is speaking. 

Like always, Allen’s video is really insightful! Check it out! 🙌🏼