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Category: download
A Year of Sermon Notes
When 2020 started I made a silent commitment to sketch note every Sunday Sermon from my home church of TRBC. By the grace of God I completed them all and then some! Man, what a year; who would have known what this year would have had in store! I compiled everything TRBC-related in a PDF…
Ezekiel 37
I’m not trying to be dark; stay with me for a second… The last sermon I sketch noted had me looking up Ezekiels prophecy and I just found the language around it so interesting. Ezekiel 37 is a vision about being placed in a valley of dry bones and how the Lord commands Ezekiel to…
4-Letter Words Part III: Hope
I headed back over to Resurrection Church this weekend to view part III of their 4-Letter word series. Pastor Ed delivered a great sermon and gave me the opportunity to draw Ezekiel 37! 😅 It’s a great group of people doing awesome work!
There is a River
One thing I appreciate about a Charles Billingsley sermon is the amount of stuff that you’re going to learn by the time it’s over. He packs them FULL. 😅 The hardest part about drawing them is figuring out what to cut! Here are the TRBC notes for the weekend! 🔥🔥🔥
Love in Every Season by Debra Fileta
I love being married. It’s seriously the great adventure of my life and it keeps getting better and better. Like all rewarding things in life though it’s not something that just happens; I gotta keep sharpening the axe. In saying that “Love in Every Season” by Debra Fileta is a fantastic (and biblical) exploration into…
The Unfolding of Your Words
Sometimes I get so wrapped up in podcasts and YouTube videos and books that I neglect to read the source. Can I just say; I love the choice of the word “unfolding.” The “reading” of your word would be fine but what I fine and poetic choice of words here…
4-Letter Words Part II: Hell
I was invited to sketch note a sermon for @res_church in Aurora, IL and here are my notes! As a Christ-follower, I am not a “burn in hell” guy – far from it. I feel like the topic of hell and the way it’s used to either scare or punish others is contemptible at best…
A Life Worth Living
I’m always challenged at the kind of sermons where Pastor Jonathan directs us to “not look like the world.” Here are my notes and I hope the service spoke to you like it did to me! 🙌
Faith With Feet: James 5
Pastor Jonathan closed out the series on James this week! It’s a challenging book; one that deserves more than a “once a year” review!
Ron Finley on Fat-Burning Man
I really enjoyed listening to @ronfinleyhq on the @fatburningman podcast. You can’t help but want to plant at least something after listening to this man talk! 🙌🏼