Tag: carey nieuwof

  • Carey Nieuwhof on Winning

    Carey Nieuwhof on Winning

    “Winning at work while you’re losing at home means you’re losing. Period.” @careynieuwhof from “At Your Best” I haven’t read Carey’s new book yet (it’s arriving today!) but I’m all for a positive, Christ-centered approach to handling our lives and our businesses in a way that honors Him and our families at the expense to explosive…

  • Steve Carter on Character

    Steve Carter on Character

    “Sometimes, success can take you places where character cannot sustain you.”  Steve Carter talking to Carey Nieuwhof on YouTube! OK, Steve quoted Dave Chappelle saying this quote but I thought it was so relevant that I drew it here! I know nothing about full-time paid ministry. Other than serving in the church in various volunteer…

  • The Task

    The Task

    “If all you do is bring people to your church for a show you’re going to be ineffective. You have to take the missionary task unto yourself.” @mark_clark I really enjoy the @careynieuwhof podcast not just for the people he has on but I feel like it’s a frank discussion about our responsibilities as Christians. While we…

  • The Rich Christian

    The Rich Christian

    “In Christ, I’m loved more than I dared hope. For the poor person, you should dwell on your high position with Jesus. For the rich Christian, you need to remember your low position as a sinner saved only by grace.” @timkellernyc This is from an older YouTube video (well, almost a year but I guess that’s…

  • Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast with Kayla Stoecklein

    Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast with Kayla Stoecklein

    “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.” -Brad Metzler I did not want to listen to this episode. I started listening to this podcast after hearing @careynieuwhof speak at FutureFWD and it’s usually really encouraging but I knew this episode specifically that speaks about anxiety, depression, and suicide would be…

  • FutureFWD – Carey Nieuwof