Pastoral Burnout

“A fast way to pastoral burnout is to only read the Bible for the purpose of preaching.” @darrell_w_johnson

I’m not a pastor BUT this quote really spoke to me as someone who creates content. I’ve said before I have to check my heart before I post because there are times where I find myself venturing down the rabbit trail of posting for views or posting for likes and it’s not a great place to be. My procreate library has more than a few drawings that I didn’t post and won’t post because they just weren’t created in the proper spirit. 

I find the times when I’m most distressed to open the Bible is when I’m fishing for content. It’s not a pleasant place to be. Fortunately, I don’t have a commitment here – I can disappear whenever it’s needed and refocus my heart. It does bring to light one the difficulties of being a pastor though – to be in that place where finding the words is very difficult but the deadline to preach is looming and worse…seeing months of sermons in the future that still need to written. I definitely prayed for those of you out there in this position today; God bless you!

Hat tip to Pastor @richvillodas for the quote on twitter. 🙌