
“It get’s easier. Every day, it get’s a little easier. But you gotta do it every day – that’s the hard part.” Running baboon

Ok, stay with me here….

This is a quote from a running baboon from the show Bojack Horseman on Netflix. Admittedly, I’ve never seen it. Someone quoted this in reference to something else in an email and I thought it was profound (and ridiculous) enough to illustrate it. I mean, I don’t get to draw a lot of animals here so I take the chance when I can!

The context is, the protagonist (an anthropomorphized horse) states he’s going to get his life back in order and picks up running. After a short distance he passes out on his front lawn and a running baboon stops and gives him this advice.

I’m finding more and more that enlightenment about anything doesn’t come suddenly but only after long periods of steady discipline and work.

You don’t learn to run a 10 miler by just gutting through a series of workouts for a week. It takes months of consistent effort.

You don’t develop an artistic style by just cranking out a series of projects over a weekend. It takes months (in my case years) of making stuff on a consistent schedule.

You don’t fix a dysfunctional marriage by going to one marriage retreat. It takes work, every day, over a long period of time.

You don’t learn about Jesus by reading the Bible in a day. Only after long and sustained work (usually in small increments) does His word really come alive.

All of these things are hard at first. Everything feel awkward and difficult when you start. It get’s easier. Every day, it get’s a little easier. But you gotta do it every day – that’s the hard part.

But it does get easier.