“…If a man has bad character, no matter how good his is at the thing he’s called to do, his bad character will lead to his demise.”
@chadwright278 on a @3_of_7project video in response to Elon Musk’ response to his critics I can’t like this enough. YES. This isn’t a take-down of Elon per se; I’m not a huge fan of his but I’m not going to use what little influence I have here to debate whether or not he’s all this or all that. What I will say is this; take note when people display their bad character to you. It’s like seeing a single termite near a tree or a drop of water in the basement; it’s a sign that bad things are coming. Chadd mentions in this video that “bad character is like rot.” How many times do we see “brilliant” people fall because the foundation they built their skills upon was rotten. How many times do (seemingly) great leaders and businessmen and athletes fall because the bad character they have can’t hold up the weight of their accomplishments?

We see it even in the church, at all levels. People rise with great preaching ability or great presence and then leave because the rotten core of their bad character is exposed. Should we seek ability? Sure. But Galatians tells us specifically the things to look for and it’s not great business acumen or teach ability. It’s love. It’s joy and peace and patience. Kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and *self control.* These are the hallmarks of good character. This is the foundation you can build something on. Take note when these things are shown. *Art Note: No man has ever complained that I made his beard look “too full” so I’m continuing that trend here. Also, I do my best when it comes to tattoos. 😅

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